Following his departure from the presidency in 1974, Richard Nixon struggled to rebuild his reputation. Nixon initially retired to San Clemente, Calif., and focused on writing his memoirs. After the publication and positive reception of his memoirs, Nixon and his wife Pat moved to New York City before relocating to Saddle River, N.J. He maintained an active public speaking schedule and wrote nine more books besides his memoirs. Following his wife Pat’s death from emphysema and lung cancer in 1993, Nixon suffered a stroke in April 1994 at his New Jersey home. After a brief hospitalization that saw him enter a coma, he died on April 22, 1994, in New…
Richard Nixon Birthplace in Yorba Linda, Calif.
On family ranchland in Yorba Linda, Calif., Francis and Hannah Nixon welcomed their second son, Richard Milhous Nixon, on Jan. 9, 1913. Richard was born in the bedroom of the Craftsman-style bungalow that his father assembled from a kit the previous year. The lived in the house until 1922 when they moved to nearby Whittier, and Francis sold off portions of the land to the local school district. In 1968, the Yorba Linda School District deeded the house and surrounding property to the non-profit library organization Richard established after winning the presidency. The house was preserved and incorporated into the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace, which opened in 1990. Bedroom…
Richard Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, Calif.
On land previously owned by his family, the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace was dedicated on July 19, 1990. Nixon’s resignation following the Watergate scandal led to complications about ownership of the president’s papers. Therefore funding for the construction and operation of the Nixon Library came solely from private donations. The facility was initially operated by the Richard Nixon Foundation, but on July 11, 2007, it became the twelfth federally-operated presidential library. The museum was overhauled in 2016; my photos reflect the facility’s appearance in 2013. A decorated U.S. Navy officer, Nixon was recruited by the Committee of 100 to run for a U.S. House seat in California in 1946.…